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Somato-Psycho-Energetics: go to the root of your physical and emotional ailments  


The psyche is not separated from the body .

When the body manifests a symptom , it does not happen by chance! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Inner conflicts, traumatic events, unconscious conditioning, repressed emotions, ancient pains, can also be expressed through energy blocks and physical disorders . 


Physical and emotional disorders must also be considered in their subtlest , most profound aspect . 


They should not be seen as enemies, but as messengers , as a modality that the body chooses to experience, to make us become aware ... ... as a means that has an end and that we have chosen to evolve.


What is their purpose for you ?!


Having faith in the body and its manifestations is the basis of one's rebirth and our evolution.

Going to the Root of the disorder is critical to freeing it.

For info and appointment:

You can call me at  3463694993
Or you can write an email to: 
I remain at your disposal.
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