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Erbe e minerali


Naturopathic and Iridological Consultancy

Do you have physical or emotional ailments and want to help you with natural remedies?

Do you want to know the foods best suited to your constitution?

Do you want to purify your body to restore the vix medicatrix naturae , that is the natural self-healing capacity that every organism in equilibrium possesses?

If you want to know the plants, salts, foods that best suit your Constitution and your needs, I'm here to help you.

Naturopathic counseling is a true gift of self-love that you dedicate to yourself, a moment in which you can be yourself, get to know yourself and take care of your body, your soul.

I help you to live according to nature and according to YOUR nature.

A standard consultation lasts 60 minutes and includes:

- Iridological analysis of your eyes;

- bioenergetic evaluation of the Phytoderivatives and Supplements most useful for you at that moment;

- Bach flower test for psycho-energetic imbalances;

- Psychosomatic analysis of the disorders that occur, so as to resolve them at the root, pacifying the emotions or attitudes that weigh on that disorder;

- Personalized food recommendations based on your constitution.

During the consultation you also begin to understand how nature works and its laws, those of your body also from an energetic point of view.

Feel well supported by nature and what is wonderful it offers us.

Naturopathy integrates Nature and its Knowledge


Nature is governed by laws , by forces , by elements that are the same ones that govern our Nature.


These elements are air , fire , water , earth and ether . Knowing your Constitution and these elements inside us and outside us (for example in the foods we eat, in the herbs we take, and so on) allows us to keep ourselves in balance , know what to integrate and when to integrate it.


Nutrition plays a very important role.

Eating the right way   means giving value to the quality of food , rituality , chewing , variety , cooking of food , the mood in which you eat, personal_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Constitution , the integration of nutrients, the water that you drink, the conscious attention while eating.

Some tools I use to see your Constitution are Iridology, Physiognomy and my knowledge of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Conscious Naturopathy integrates

Bach flowers

Bach flowers contain information, therefore frequencies, capable of restoring balance.


There are 38 flowers, so 38 different information, 38 different frequencies, 38 different moods, 38 different virtues.


Based on the information that is distorted in us, based on the state of mind we have, we will need a precise flower, a precise information.


It therefore becomes of fundamental importance to choose the right flower.


During the flower therapy, I personally test the flowers one by one with the biotensor, an instrument capable of perceiving whether or not there is resonance between the flower and one's own energy.

Flower therapy is very effective on young children . 


In my experience I have seen how, at times, they are  sufficient to restore balance in a short time and transform difficult moods into positive qualities.

To know more:


Conscious Naturopathy integrates Iridology


"The eyes are the mirror of the soul."

Iridology is based on the study of the iris , the colored part of the eye, and of the pupil .

It is a discipline that gives information on one's state of health , both physical and psycho-emotional and energetic.

Through the analysis of the eye one can know one's constitution , one's predispositions, the organs in suffering , and also one 's strengths .

And then act with the natural remedy or the best technique for your constitution and your needs .

The eye is a very important means of observing from the outside what happens inside the body.

For information or to make an appointment
You can call me at  3463694993
Or you can write an email to: 
I remain at your disposal.
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