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Flower Therapy ...


... was born in the early 1900s in Wales thanks to Edward Bach.


Bach was a doctor who spent the last years of his life looking for a remedy that would not only cure the body, but also the more subtle aspects, such as our moods and our emotions.

Bach found that negative moods, if not observed, understood and integrated, could over time become the cause of organic diseases.


These negative moods are not "fought" as organic symptoms, otherwise we will retain their energy. But they are flooded with higher harmonic energy vibrations.

How does this happen?


The flowers used by Bach come from "higher order plants", each of which has an energy that vibrates at a precise frequency.

These are very high frequencies, a flow of photons that easily resonates with our flow of photons, with our essence, with our deepest part.


Each of these frequencies of these flowers incorporates precise information.


Each of this information from the plant world corresponds to a specific information in man, that is to a precise vibratory frequency in the human energy field.


When a conflict arises between what we are and what we want deep down, and what we do in our daily lives ...

... when there is no correspondence between what our deepest essence feels and what our personality wants to be and do ...

... the vibratory frequency is disharmonically distorted in the energy field and slowed down.


This distortion affects the entire energy field of man and affects his overall mood.


So how does a Bach flower essence work?


Since it vibrates according to the same harmonic frequency that its corresponding information would have had had it not been distorted and slowed down, the essence of the flower puts this information in contact with its harmonic frequency and restores the vibratory resonance.


A bit like what happens in chromotherapy and music therapy.


Even physics today teaches us that matter is actually energy that vibrates.

Energy that vibrates so fast that it becomes impenetrable and therefore matter.


But what does the shape and the structure that takes on matter depend on?

It depends on the type of "information" it receives, and therefore on the type of energy frequency.


Bach flowers contain information, therefore frequencies, capable of restoring balance.


There are 38 flowers, so 38 different information, 38 different frequencies, 38 different moods, 38 different virtues.


Based on the information that is distorted in us, based on the state of mind we have, we will need a precise flower, a precise information.


Did you know that it is very effective on children?

Flower therapy has proved to be very effective with adults, but especially with children, as well as with animals and plants.


This happens because children on a mental level have less conditioning, fewer energy and physical blocks.

Energy can flow more easily.


Moods such as fear, sadness, insecurity improve in the child very quickly.


Children with little self-confidence, after taking the flowers, spontaneously begin to be more self-confident, to act more autonomously.


Very hyperactive children, in a short time they begin to do things more calmly, with more attention.


Even jealousy, anger, insomnia, excessive crying, anxiety are all emotions that with the intake of flowers, in a short time, are rebalanced in the child with opposite virtues, such as love, sweetness. , calm, courage, confidence.


In recent times, especially children have been subjected to stresses that shouldn't be a part of their life so soon.

And the methods of treatment are also often a source of additional stress.


Children are simple and what helps them the most are the simple remedies.

A few drops a day of these essences restore balance, well-being and vitality with sweetness and in an effective and lasting way.


The concept of simplicity runs the risk, in recent times, of being confused with that of "primitiveness".


Simplicity is linked to unity, fulfillment, harmony.

This is why we are attracted to the "simple things in life".

Nature is simple.

Our deepest essence is simple.

If we return to ourselves, we also return to simplicity and therefore to unity.


Helping our children with effective and simple remedies is possible.


Nature has simply made them available to us.

For information or to make an appointment
You can call me at  3463694993
Or you can write an email to: 
I remain at your disposal.
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